The commemoration of the 16 Days of Activism against Gender Based Violence took place at Etayi constituency on Monday, 25 of November 2019 under the theme Orange the World: Generation Stand against Rape. The Ministry of Gender Equality and Child Welfare, Traditional Authority, Regain Trust and the Namibian Police Gender Based Violence Unit Protection came together to commemorate the day. The keynote speaker was Hon. Erginus Endjala, the governor of Omusati region and the welcoming remarks were conveyed by Honorable Elisa Johannes who is the Regional Councilor of the Etayi constituency. The audience consisted of 135 people, of which 40 were male and 95 were female.
The keynote speaker was the Honorable Governor Mr. Erginus Endjala, who read the speech on the behalf of Honorable Doreen Sioka, the Minister of Gender Equality and Child Welfare. He mentioned that Namibia faces Gender Based Violence specifically domestic violence and sexual violence and it undermines people’s health, dignity, security and their safety. The victims of gender-based violence suffer sexual and reproductive health consequences including forced and unwanted pregnancies, trauma, physical injuries and death. Gender Based Violence can be addressed in our society by raising awareness against gender-based violence, conducting national campaigns, initiatives aimed at preventing gender-based violence and involve young people and traditional authorities in Gender Based Violence prevention initiatives. Expand and improve services available to the victim of Gender Based Violence and conducting research on issues where information is lacking.
The audience was entertained by two cultural groups and a role play on GBV by the Shakalyenge Cultural Group.
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